We maintain our culture,
our Legacy

Our Company’s program focuses primarily on promoting historical, cultural and national heritage, highlighting our country’s landmarks such as ancient temples, castles, theaters, museums.

We draw on the collective history of each place and highlight its individual historical elements.

What makes our program unique is the fact that commemorative coins can be obtained exclusively from selected affiliate points of sale. You cannot order them online or buy them elsewhere.

Collectible & emotional

Our Commemorative coins are not only an original and unique souvenirs from a tourist attraction, but a souvenir of monetary and collectible value. They are a collection of our memories associated with the tourist’s visit.

Each coin is designed to the mint’s specifications and is housed in a special clear acrylic case that allows these memories to remain over time. Join our affiliate network and create with us.

Join our partner’s network.


designed for you…

At our company, you have the opportunity to create, order and buy unique commemorative coins that will be designed and made exclusively for you.

Whether you are a public institution, university, municipality, museum or anyone who wants to create their own commemorative coins, upon your order, our partners will help create what you want.

Different ways
of promoting

In our company, we have provided for you and we have ready ways to promote the commemorative coins.

The transparent acrylic casing with a single or dual coin positions allowing the customer to view the content.

Also, a stand made of black and transparent acrylic with 6 or 8 places with the option of choosing 6 or 8 different coins.
Προωθητικά μέσα για την καλύτερη προβολή
Also, a stand made of black and transparent acrylic with 6 or 8 places with the option of choosing 6 or 8 different coins.
Σταντ κερμάτων
Θήκες κερμάτων

Coin Cases

Our company has various coin pouches. Made from high-quality materials in many sizes, and custom-made, as well as the ability to engrave your logo.

Molded inside
pure Acrylic

Acrylic molding is the process of the permanent placement of an object inside pure Acrylic.

Our company specializes in the unique crystal acrylic preservation. Inside the clear acrylic frame you can insert whatever is important to you.

Χύτευση αντικειμένων μέσα σε καθαρό Ακρυλικό